ENT Surgery
Christina V. Batha
19 Eirini Avenue, Preveza
Batha Christina
D octor Batha Christina was born in Athens. She graduated from the 51st Lyceum of Athens in 1991 …
She graduated Medicine in 1999.
She held the multifunctional medical centre of Fourni Island in 2003-2004.
Specialty Pediatric Surgery at Tzaneio Hospital in Piraeus in 2004-2005.
He worked as a private Doctor in Sidari, Corfu, in 2005.
Specialty Otolaryngology in Tzaneio Hospital of Piraeus 5 years of which a 6-month neurosurgery at the same hospital and a 6-month Plastic Surgery at Ag. Savvas hospital in Athens.
Acquired an otorhinolaryngology specialty in 2010 in Athens.
She is a member of the Panhellenic Otorhinolaryngology Society of Head and Neck Surgery.
He participated in Workshops of Rhinoplasty in Greece and Germany of the European Society of Face Plastic Surgery (EAFPS).
Specialization and certification in Botox and Hyaluronic acid fillers at KT Training Center Harley street London UK.
He is the owner of ATLS (Advance Trauma Life Support) and a member of the American College of Surgeons (American College of Surgeons).
He is also the owner of PHTLS (Prehospital Trauma Life Support).She is a speaker at many ENT conferences, in which she participates with announcements and study on specialized issues head and neck surgery.
can support an integrated ENT exam.

Trust relationships
Batha Christina
My desire and my pursuit, being built between a physician and patient relationships of trust.
You can contact me through the contact form at the orlpreveza website.
Close to you every moment ..