
Christina V. Batha

Erinis, Avenue 19 Preveza
Batha Christina
ENT Surgery


In a friendly environment, with modern equipment, we provide you precision in diagnosis, treatment efficiency and comfort in medical handling.

  • auditory tests, control of hearing loss and tinnitus.
  • videonystagmography … vertigo study.
  • videoendoscopy of nose, throat and larynx.
  • microtoscopy.
  • sleep apnea, snoring.

Audiometry of children and adults, Tympanometry, Determination of sound reflexes.

Endoscopic control of adenoid “meadows” in children.


Christina Batha

 She graduated medicine in 2000.

D octor Batha Christina was born in Athens.
She graduated from the 51st Lyceum of Athens in 1991 …

specialty otorhinolaryngology

  She received the title of an otorhinolaryngologist  in 2010 in Athens.

Specialty Pediatric Surgery

T he Doctor Batha Christina took Specialty of Pediatric Surgery at Tzaneio Hospital in Piraeus.

ORL Doctor Batha Christina

The clinic is located in the area of Preveza. The modern and constantly enriching equipment of …
can support an integrated ENT exam.

Surgeon Otorhinolaryngologist Preveza



How can parents make sure their child hears well? While in many European countries it is mandatory to control hearing in all maternity hospitals …

Parents and kids

Otorhinolaryngology is surgical, pathological and laboratory specialty … and includes many sub-specialties.


Otorhinolaryngologist Preveza

Study of Snoring – sleep Apnea, vertigo. Nose, throat, Laryngx endoscopy with video recording. Microintervention with Radio frequencies (RF) Control of nose bleeding with RF.

Batha Christina

Surgeon Otorhinolaryngologist

It comes either from an ear condition or is reflective of the head and neck area.

Ear pain

Learn about the modern methods of surgery in our Otorhinolaryngology clinic …

Orel Preveza

Trust relationships

Batha Christina

My desire and my pursuit, being built between a physician and patient relationships of trust.

You can contact me through the contact form at the orlpreveza website.

Close to you every moment ..

Erinis, Avenue 19 Preveza